Western Rivers Conservancy

Western Rivers came to us looking for a website that better reflected the gravity of the work they were doing in riverlands preservation. They had mountains of evidence of their impact though breathtaking photography and detailed reporting, but they needed us to translate it into a more compelling narrative.

My Role

My role in this project was unique in that I operated both as the designer and the producer. Producing this project allowed me to work intimately with the client, which strengthened our communication and ensured satisfaction in the final product.

My Team

Tijani Stewart,
Web Designer

Ben Martinez-Bateman,
Backend Developer

Amy Hwang,
Frontend Developer


Projects and Counting


Virtual Conference Attendies

Our main objective with this project was to go beyond just generating donations. We needed to convert visitors to believers in the Western Rivers' mission, promoting long-standing partnership. We took advantage of Western Rivers’ beautiful photography to immerse visitors into the natural landscapes they cherish to communicate the value of what their partnership is protecting.


While immersive imagery draws the visitor in, carefully crafted storytelling keeps them engaged and encourages conversion. This is why we were especially conscientious of keeping the content easy to digest. Generous whitespace and traditional typographic treatments allows each page to be robust, yet light and accessible.

Process Deep Dive: Projects Map

Final Thoughts

Through our partnership, Western Rivers gained not only a beautiful new website, but also a basecamp for their community to convene. With the added ease-of-use and accessibility, they’ve kept their site consistently. They even began hosting a live-streamed series that boasts 600+ participants a week. While a website build can seem like a daunting expense for a nonprofit, Western Rivers’ investment has clearly been worth-while, with traffic and donation numbers that exceeded previous years within the first few months of launching.

Keep Exploring


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